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List of types of people who cannot usually afford therapies or have other reasons for referrals (but by no means limited to these):


- Used a food bank during lockdown

- experience bereavement - for any reason during lockdown

- disabled

- ongoing longer term condition

- gave birth/became pregnant during lockdown

- lonely - live alone, no family members, no-one near

- single parents - especially if they had to shield a child during lockdown

- carers - any age

- those living with dementia

- refugees and asylum seekers

- cancer survivors

- mental health issues

- stress and anxiety

- lost a job during lockdown/about to lose a job

- volunteer for a food bank/project

- elderly

- recovering addict

- victim or experiencing domestic abuse

- care leavers

- exam stress caused by lockdown

 - recovering from Covid-19

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Therapy 4 Healing Registered in England No 7103929

T4H Head Office, 120 Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, London. SE23 1BX

Tel: 020 8617 8820

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