Previous projects
Previous projects
For more than ten years we have delivered numerous long-term and short-term community projects.

Parents Communities Together
This was a partnership between L&Q Housing, Parents 1st, Creative Homes & Therapy4Healing
Peer support can be life changing for parents, families and communities. This partnership involved linking with parents across the borough, building a database of volunteers and those who would like peer support in order to further develop Community Parent hubs across Lewisham.

Healthy Living for Over 55's projects / Carers Pamper Day
We continue to roll out our project to help immobilise, decrease isolation and help the elderly manage aches & pains with various well being activities & therapies.
I Can Do IT - Empowerment talk
We had a great time with a group of young people, getting them off their seats and out of their 'comfort zones' to help open them up, lose inhibitions and express themselves. It was a great session with lots of talks and activities around personal barriers such self-esteem, confidence pushing past bad experiences in order to pursue your dreams also release negative and limited mind-sets.
Family Coaching sessions
We had some families who were referred to us to help improve their relationship, especially with their teenage children. These were mostly Young Carers who had extra pressures on their time and energy and found it hard to express their own needs to their parent/s. We helped them to communicate with each other and draw up realistic expectations and agreements.
NB. Family coaching sessions are designed to provide families with the tools and techniques to resolve conflicts, reach compromises and hopefully transform a difficult living situation into a comfortable one.
Parenting Classes at School
We ran a range of workshops for parents as part of a community project. These included Parenting skills; Stress/Anger Management; Relaxation techniques and Money Management. Great feedback as more of them acknowledged that they were now not afraid to look at how they spent money. They also learnt how to manage it by having a budget and using their bank accounts & standing orders better to help them save regularly.
T4H has a chat with Mens Carers @ Carers Lewisham
We've done a variety of work with Carers Lewisham over the last five years, the latest being organising for a therapist to go in and have a chat with the Men's Carers group. We think they really appreciated the therapist being male and talked about the power of scent; relaxation; how to distress and how to cope with their caring situation.
T4H helps Housing residents 'Get Fit, Get Healthy'
T4H in partnership with a housing group helped to offer residents free classes and workshops, to help them get fit, healthy, unwind and relax, over several weeks in Lambeth. We went in and ran a combination of classes and workshops on stress management; mindfulness; tai chi; massage; yoga and nutrition.
T4H helping bereaved families
T4H has continued to help community groups provide services to their beneficiaries. This year we helped Through Unity, a charity who helps bereaved families through their ordeal, emotionally, socially and through the court procedures. They frequently get together to support each other. On their last Family Day we organised for a therapist to go down and give them neck & back massage and reflexology for a bit of relaxation, pampering and to help relieve tension.
T4H ‘I Can Do It!’ children/youth projects 2013 – Coaching and Mentoring
T4H offered group and 1-2-1 sessions to various groups, schools and individuals, extending the ‘I Can Do It!’ project to include special needs and/or young carers or disadvantaged teenagers up to 18 years old, All sessions were run by a qualified personal life coach whose main aim was to increase the confidence, self esteem and overall well being of each individual.
Help a Capital Child 'I Can' project
This was a program including musical expression; craft work; relaxation; animation plus more. A chance to enjoy and achieve, meet others dealing with similar issues, increase confidence and have some fun.
The group will be encouraged to share their needs regarding their day to day life and the issues they face with their long term conditions; lifestyles and each session could consist of areas such as; talking through breathing techniques; managing anger; stress relief; stretch and movement to music as well as art therapy and yoga. Also, especially for teenagers and young mums we offer mentoring; coaching; job/life skills; goal setting; careers advice; money management. They will be encouraged to share; enjoy and contribute during the group sessions.
Mental Health Project - for Men
The T4H Step Up project was funded by the Big Lottery and was working in conjunction with South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust to work with men aged up to 45 who live in Lewisham. This was available to men who would like to develop new networks, increase skills and confidence to enter training and employment. After the set group education and skills training sessions there were 1-2-1 follow up sessions and a one off event working in partnership with LQ Foundation and Millwall Football Club to round off the project.